I'm looking for a replacement PX-8. Mine seems to have finally died, but
since it did what we wanted perfectly, and I still have the peripherals
for it, I'd rather just replace it than pay big bucks for lots of bang
that we don't need.
Please let me know if you have a working one that you no longer need but
don't want to consign to the land fill - I could give it a good home.
I'm currently in Haifa, Israel, but If any Americans have one we could
arrange for the unit to be sent to one of three addresses in a) San Diego,
Calif., b) San Rafeal, Calif. or c) Providence, Rhode Island all in the
U.S.A. from where we get it sent to us by family members.
For European sellers we may just try the airmail system and see
how it goes...
warm regards,
Bryn Deamer
14 Shunamit St.
Haifa 34562