Talking of
oddball floppies (and Epson), I haev, somewhere, an Epson
thing about the size of the TF20, but labelled BM-5 (IIRC). It contains a
single 5.25" drive. Now for the odd part. The cables to that drive look
like ST412 _hard_ drive cables (i.e. a 34 pin and a 20 pin connector).
The controller board, which has a parallel interface connector back to
the host (pesumably it goes with some special I/O card for a QX10 that I
don't have) has a hard disk controller chipset on it. But the drive sure
looks like an overcomplicated floppy drive.
What do I have here, and what sort of disks does it use?
Does the floppy have two positioner motors (one coarse, one fine)? If so,
Not that I rememnber, but it's been a long time since I've been inside
that box. At the momnet I _think_ it's hiding between an Acorn A310 and a
DECmate II, with a handful of 35mm cameras on top, so it's not going to
be easy to get out to check.
maybe what you've got is a Drivetek drive. But
Fred would recognize one of
I am, however, pretty sure the drive mechanism was made by Epson.
those, so it must not be that.