Christopher Smith wrote:
There's also an alternate alternate procedure that would involve
sys$ or whatever, and just
trying to run
"authorize," installing the proper images until it stops
about not having them ;)
I suppose if you are a masochist, yes :-)
The original poster seems to have missed
the required
That should be the first thing you
type, without that the first error
bombs you out and you get to
boot all over again ...
It looks like he just didn't know
that at the Username: prompt,
if you have managed to boot with
SYSUAFALT (and the startup files
don't plug this hole! ... which is
the reason for the long-winded
crack anyway) then as long as
it's the console and as long as
you enter SYSTEM you just need
to hit RETURN (well anything really)
for both the password prompts and
you are in.
Copious details at:
and plenty of docs at
(OpenVMS User's manual is probably
a good one to start with).
Be nice to see that list of docs ...