M7904 - Not listed in the Field Guide
40-pin ribbon cable sticking out the side
netcom products, inc.
copyright jan. 1979
More than likely another DLV11 clone. It is amazing how many different ones
I have encountered.
MSI-11 (c)1978
Andromeda Systems Inc
faded sticker on handle says 'MUX1' and 'MUX3' the rest is to
faded to read
http://www.andromedasystems.com/ if all else fails
A two board set from Plessey Peripheral Systems
connected via a 50-pin
ribbon cable. The top board (P/N 703580) has 8 LEDs and a 10-pin
connector. The bottom board (P/N 703570) has 4 26-pin connectors and a
roughly 66-pin connector (not sure its exact size). The only thing I can
think of is some kind of drive controller.
The MMI has a few listed and has them described as memory module.