Zane H. Healy wrote:
Richardson wrote:
Linux was around over ten years ago
now, so it is sort-of on topic :)
Only if you want to talk about Debian 0.91, Slackware 1.1.2 or the new
beta release of SuSE Linux.
You left out a few, such as the MCM release, and SLS release (I ran SLS
from when it started in '92 or '93 till '96). Then there was Yggdrasil
(first CD based distro starting in '93), as well as several other floppy
based distro's, and of course the classic "Boot/Root" floppies. My
first few Linux installs were done using the "Boot/Root" floppies
(starting in January 1992), and then adding everything else.
I'd love to have a copy of SLS. I ran Slackware v3.something as my
first Linux in '95, but I used SLS for a while in there when I was
learning the difference between a distribution and an OS.
I have an original Yggdrasil CD, boot floppy, and manual around here