This subject comes up from time to time, and I ran across the following post to
the Heath Listserver that applies equally to classic computers. He makes some
very good points, and I too am becoming more and more aware of things that
should be done to preserve some of the less common stuff that I have.
I've been following the recent thread on Boat Anchors regarding large
collections of ham radio equipment and the (eventual) problem of
disposing of them after the collector's eventual (and inevitable, I
might add) demise and exit from this world.
I, too, have accumulated my share of old radio's - both amateur radio
types and broadcast types. When I was younger, I frankly did not give
much thought to what a burden these might be to my family when I pass
away. But now I am older (just retired and a 'youngish' 65) and I have
certainly given the problem much more thought. Additionally I have
helped other's dispose of their collections and have, in some cases,
purchased collections of equipment for my own collection. Anyways here
are some serious thoughts for those of us who love our radio's.
1. Make a list of your radio's and keep it up to date. Include an
estimate of condition and what you would guesstimate the 'street value'
is. Make sure your wife and family know where this list is.
2. Make a list of people and organizations your wife and family can
turn to for help when the time comes to dispose of your equipment. In my
case, this includes a few local hams and the antique radio club that I
belong to.
3. Keep your collection honed down! Purge it on a regular basis. EBAY
and these lists are a great way to keep the surplus down I'm still
working on that part of it and, more or less constantly, I go though my
'stuff' (not just ham or radio gear either) and get it gone!
4. Buy with discrimination! It is easy to become a hoarder! I am
trying to be more discriminating now - in fact, I skipped the last
couple of hamfests. I only buy what really appeals to me and only at a
good 'value point'. I have plenty and plenty of radio's to work on. I do
enjoy the hunt for new and interesting radios (building an HBR is still
a dream) but I am more discriminating that before. Plus I try to sell
some for every one I buy (kind of spread the joy).
So it is serious - this 'obsession' that we have. It does behove us to
try to keep it in check and try to make things easier for your spouse
and your family when the big cleanup is needed. With any luck, I'll sell
my last radio just before you pass on and that will be one less burden
for my wife to cope with. Meanwhile I intent to have some fun with my
collection. But remember - the emphasis should be on the fun (and in
preserving old radios!).
73 de WA2CKY
Bob Groh