On Fri, 2005-05-20 13:37:54 +0000, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at
yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 14:05 +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw
On Fri, 2005-05-20 11:36:24 +0000, Jules
Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
- A
tarball containing all the TIFF (or whatever) images as well
as some (generated)
See my other post; that's my preference and what I tend to do with all
image-based PDF content I download from anywhere anyway...
For the records (and my education), how do you extract these?
I've always used Imagemagick's 'convert' util to do it -
'convert foo.pdf foo.tif' will produce a multi-page TIFF image
corresponding to the input pdf file.
'convert foo.pdf foo%02d.tif' will give you seperate TIFF images for
each page (which is the more useful flavour)
Will these extract the _original_ TIFF files (eg. with embedded comments
etc.) or would it only produce images looking like the original ones?
Oh, TIFF, *Tagged* image file format. TIFF could even be used to hole
metadata :)
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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