I don't
think I ever owned a CGA monitor that got
brown correct.
I was going to say isn't that largely dependent on
the monitor used? A non-issue w/a newer analogue
monitor, that is if the voltage was correct. But you
could always vary the resistance on that particular
line, no?
The point is (and we had a thread on this some time back), the colour
mixing _seems_ obvious -- R,G,B turn on their respective electron guns
and I turns on all guns a little bit. But if you have a real 5153 CGA
monitor, or most EGA monitors in CGA mode (the 5154 is certainly like
this), it gets a little more compiclated. Colour 6 (Brown), corresponding
to R and G both asserted, is detected by circuitry in the monitor, and
you get less green than you'd expect (the green gun is not driven so
hard), giving brown rather than dark yellow.
A simple resistor/diode circuit won't do this. You might not care (you
will get viewable colours without it), but if you want to do things
perfectly, you need to be aware of this.