-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
From: Guy Sotomayor
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 7:05 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: MEM11 Status Update
[... snip ...]
The biggest piece of work remaining on the emulator will be emulating the
Unibus interface. The work here will mainly to create a means to script
various Unibus transactions.
However, before doing that, I'll be testing out the boot loader code and
the configuration firmware since none of that is dependent upon the
existence of functional Unibus hardware.
TTFN - Guy
as you have sort-of all possible UNIBUS transactions because
of the devices supported by the MEM11, I guess there is still
so work to do ;-)
One question came to my mind.
Suppose I manage to "crash" the board in such a bad way that
it does not start up anymore. Is there a jumper to force it to
execute a "golden boot"? That is, load a minimal "kernel" to
bring the MEM11 back to life to reload the bootloader and
Shipping a dead MEM11 back to the Creator inside USA is
OK, but from Europe etc. might get costly. And Customs
probably wants to put tax on it when shipped back from you.
Good work!
- Henk