Well, I think I have located the problem. Opening the
case revealed
I wounldn't be so sure...
that a wire has come loose from what I take to be the
transformer (based on descriptions I've read). I have taken some
pictures and uploaded them to
That is the flyback transformer, certainly.
That 'wire' looks like part of the mounting clamp. Originally it was a
U-shapped piece of wire with threaded ends. This fitted rounf the ferrite
corem, the ends wnet through the chassis (and maybe other brackets) and
nuts were screwed on to hold it all together.
My guess is this clamp rocke at some point and somebody soft-soldered it
togheter. That was not strong enough.
In the last photo there ssems to eb a rod going throug the flyback core
near the solder-blo end of the 'wire'. I think that's the other part of
the clamp.
If you want to repaiur it, I would suggest carefully taking it apart,
noting where all the nuts, washers, etc go. Replace the clamp with 2
lengths of brass studding (threaded rod) [1], a brass strip across the
top, and some more nuts.
[1] When cuttiong studding, run a couple of nuts onto it. one each side
of the cut. Then hacksaw through it, file the ends, and use the nuts to
clean up the trheds by unscrewing them
But I don't see how this can be the problem. If the flyback transformer
core is not correctly assembled, the flyback may resonate at the wrong
frequency, whioch would upset the picture _size_. But it can't cause
characters to appear. Unless the flyback is breaking down (power up the
terminal with the case off, get someody to turn off the room lights, and
look for sings of sparks or corona discharage around the flyback). it's
not going to upset the digital side, I think.