Am 05.11.2012 um 23:07 schrieb Liam Proven:
In fact, for the SE/30, I'd say go for 7.5.5.
I'd disagree. It eats a LOT of RAM and CPU-Resources. And it takes WAY
longer to boot. 7.5.5 would be my choice on 040-machines. Even on my
IIfx, I'm "only" running 7.1.
Networking Macs got a /lot/ easier between System 6
(arcane & quite
complex), 7.0 (easier), 7.5 (vaguely sensible) and 7.6 (really pretty
Networking was pretty easy with System 6. Networking is not only
restricted to TCP/IP. AppleTalk works like a charm, even with System
6. There also basic client apps for some services. Eudora, Fetch,
Newswatcher, Ircle, MacX...
System 6 doesn't really natively understand
Wrong. It does not natively understand *TCP/IP*. It speaks AppleTalk
thru LocalTalk, Ethernet- and Token Ring-Boards.
7.0 does
Wrong. You also need MacTCP.
but only speaks Appletalk unaided.
Wrong. There's no difference between System 6 and up to System 7.1 in
terms of networking.
7.5 has a vague notion of what TCP/IP is but
doesn't really approve
of it. :?)
By 7.6 they'd given in and accepted it but your SE/30's too old.
System 7.5 upwards had OpenTransport. It's really bloat but if you own
a fast machine, it's worth the effort.
:wq! PoC