When I got the PDP-8/e I wanted to add a Teletype (ASR-33) for its console.
This being the one true console for a PDP-8. So I started looking around,
then deeper, then deeper still. After going to many ham swaps, lots of the
Silicon Valley surplus scene, and the Internet I determined that 1996 was
the year of the great TTY purge. Literally dozens of people told me, "I
junked n of them last year." (in 1997 of course). I then began advertising
and eventually put up posters in a couple of the more well known "surplus"
places around town offering $100 for one in good condition. I got serveral
calls, many because and ASR-32 (5 bit TELEX machine) had shown up, and a
few "How about an KSR-43?" (got one of those), and a couple of "I've
got pieces of one." I've collected a bunch of pieces and have been
restoring some of them. I then was contacted by a wonderful person in Utah
who actually had a running one and I bought it from him. However, that one
was not wired for current loop (it had some home brewed RS-232 converter on
it) and it's reader is not functioning. (No idea why yet.)
I say "at the moment" because I cannot tell if this lull is permanent or
temporary. Lots of machine shops had ASR-33's and they might be converting
them at some point. Jim Willing was looking for one too, I don't know if he
found one or not. I know of two others, but how they will go is unknowable
to me.
At 12:47 PM 1/13/99 -0800, you wrote:
Numerical Supply in Grass Valley California sells paper tape. I
bought some from them for an ASR 33 I've been restoring. Getting mechanical
TTYs is somewhat difficult at the moment.
What do you mean "at the moment"?
I've thought about buying a Teletype for fun (haven't decided which model --
I suppose the 5-bit ones are a lot simpler to maintain). The sources I
would check are this list, ham radio swapmeets/rallies, organizations for
the deaf (since Teletypes have had long and honorable service as TDD's), and
all the other usual places. But I don't know the prospects or the prices.
So your message had me a bit worried -- What made you write that? Do you
expect the situation to improve?
OK, there is a local museum with a nice collection -- they might have
pointers too but somehow I doubt they would sell any of their machines.
-- Derek