On 2017-Apr-13, at 1:24 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 04/13/2017 12:30 PM, Rich Alderson via cctalk
From: allison Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
3:18 PM
BASIC, why is that the most universal language
implemented on
nearly every micro and many other systems.
Because it was the language offered on the GEIS timesharing system
when a private boys' school in Seattle decided to teach programming
in 1969? And on the systems at HP where a young technician was
working in 1975?
Not forgetting that writing a BASIC interpreter that resides in 4KB is a
relatively simple task.
There were other interpreted BASIC-like languages before that; e.g. IITRAN.
While one might argue the proliferation of BASIC on micros followed from BG/PA &
SW/SJ, I'd say their implementations were following a trend rather than initiating
BASIC was gaining prominence prior to their implementations of it.
It was in all 3 of the pre-microproc personal computers: HP9830, Wang2200, IBM5100.
It was becoming popular and spreading in the small-business world through the Pick-based
systems (albeit an extended version of the language).
It had gained awareness through the educational system and timesharing systems.
All prior to MS & Apple.
As bad as it was, it was present in the right place (small, easy to implement,
interpretable & easy to use) at the right time (the nascent small-system and personal
computer era).