After getting my TRS-80 Model II keyboard repaired and up & running last week
(, I've been messing around with the Kermit
source code to see if I can add hardware flow control support. I'm able to build
Kermit using LASM on CP/M or on an emulator, but it would be nice to be able to setup a
Makefile so I can do the build directly on Linux.
Is there a LASM compatible assembler out there with source available that I can run on
Linux? I've tried a whole lot of different ones that are capable of doing 8080 &
Z80 assembly, but not one understands the syntax of LASM (or I'm just not running them
with the right flags).
I've tried so far:
z80asm -
as -
kio's zasm -
zasm -
z80-asm -
z80pack -
Alternately, is the source code for Ward Christensen's LASM available anywhere? The
best I could find was a note from a Kermit developer from 27 years ago asking for the
source. I suppose I could use a disassembler, but then I don't have proper labels or
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