On 2003.02.28 07:00 Stuart Johnson wrote:
Jonathan, what I want to know is how do you connect
the RX50 and
RD(whatever) hard drive to the RQDX3?
There are different distribution panels that
split the 50 pin cable from
the RQDXx. The M9058 dist panel for the BA123 looks like a double QBus
card and sits in "QBus slot 13" in the BA123. The BA23 dist panel is
mounted inside the enclosure on the back of the QBus backplane. I have
the wiring of this panel, I can mail it to you when you want to build
your own dist panel. There is a BA213 dist panel that replaces the front
panel in a BA213 and has some additional switches LEDs to reset the CPU
etc. I think it is not that easy to rebuild this.