for historical reasons I am looking for an electronic copy of the
RA6800ML relocating assembler for the Motorola 6800 (surely one can find
and even write from scratch PC-based crossassemblers, and I do know of
several of them, but this is not interesting for me).
This was published by Byte Paperbooks in 1978, and its ISBN is still
listed at Amazon et al, but hasn't appeared for quite some time as a
used book. I have located the corresponding relocating linker (at least
it seems to be it) from Flex Usergroup downloads (where it is listed as
"unidentified/RA6800ML") but this linker is likely the code from another
Byte paperbook of that time. Or if someone has this book and could xerox
it for me, provided we can negotiate some method to transfer expenses -
I'd be willing to pay reasonably.
THX & Regards