On Wed, 18 May 2016 14:50:17 -0600 (MDT), Swift Griggs
<swiftgriggs at gmail.com> wrote:
I've stack-ranked all the classic items that I, to
my everlasting
let go of at some point and now I feel like it was a mistake:
It wasn't one I ever really possessed so technically it wasn't a
throw/sell away, but it was one that got away.
That as an AT&T Pixel Machines PXM900. It was at an university
auction, I had already gone way over budget and I would have had to bid
on the entire pallet of stuff in order to get it. I anguished, bid
anyway, got outbid and declined to bid further. I immediately regretted
the decision, contacted the buyer right after the auction, he told me
he'd get back to me on Monday (yeah, you can see it coming). When I
called on Monday, he was glowing about how much gold was in the thing
and he had already scrapped it :(
I still regret that decision to this day (if it wasn't already