On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Michael Hart <imsaicollector at yahoo.com> wrote:
I just checked e-bay for what is being asked of an IMSAI-8080 that is not fully tested,
no floppy drives and from what I can tell only has one board
They are asking near $4000.00
One may always ask. Getting is another thing entirely (that having
been said, a year ago, it's probably quite likely they would get it -
now, I'm not so sure),
But it has a "White Ceramic Processor"! Surely that justifies the
asking price ;-)
So whomever takes my offer will be getting a gem for
of a system at a bargain price of $2000.00
I figured $2K was something of a deal, but the 8080A isn't one of the
systems I'm aggressively pursuing (but I wouldn't turn away a rescue
I was a bit young for S-100 the first time around (I was bumming time
on the free PETs at the main library since I couldn't afford any sort
of computer at home), so I have no nostalgic attachment to the
platform. I happen to have a slightly newer, off-brand S-100 box to
play with (a rescue), that doesn't happen to have a front panel, but
that's fine with me.
Somebody on the this list is probably keen to pick up a real IMSAI, though.