Thanks for all the feedback.. Plus I learned something new.. I always
thought DB was short for D-Sub.. Boy was I wrong!
I will compare what I have on that thing, with the examples, and see if we
have a winner. Might be able to hack up an external HD68 cable, and make a
new one.. or let all the smoke out, and recycle the scanner like it was
headed to originally anyways.. :|
Cheers, Joe
-----Original Message-----
From: cctech-bounces at [mailto:cctech-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: June-13-12 9:22 PM
To: cctech at
Subject: SCSI-1 DB37
Does any one have a pinout of the DB37 SCSI connector?
Might be what my old scanner has on it. Especially if all the ground pins
and shields line up.