-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Eric Smith
Sent: 01 February 2012 07:48
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: C compilers and non-ASCII systems
Mouse wrote:
Only for negative values, in which case the
result can be
whatever the
implementation finds convenient (undefined or
Chuck Guzis wrote:
So, on a system with, say, sign-magnitude
arithmetic, masking the
sign off after every operation to force a positive result is
perfectly legitimate way to implement the unsigned type.
That's definitely not allowed for unsigned char, which is not
allowed to
have any padding bits. If an unsigned char has n bits, it
must be able
to represent all values from 0 to (2^n)-1.
For the larger integer types it is possible, as all larger
integer types
are allowed to have padding bits. The requirement is that
any bit that
is a value bit (and not a sign bit or padding bit) in a
signed type must
"have the same value as the same bit in the object
representation of the
corresponding unsigned type" (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 section paragraph 2)
Due to the requirements for the integer size limits
(limits.h, section, if you want to do that your short and integer
will have to
be at least 17 bits, long will have to be at least 33 bits, and long
long will have to be at least 65 bits. This would be somewhat
reasonable on an 18-bit machine or 36-bit machine, with 9-bit
chars, and
the other integer types being 18-bit, 36-bit, and 72-bit.
However, I think most people would prefer an implementation where the
unsigned integer types did not have padding bits, and could represent
the full range possible with the width of the type.
Can I suggest those interested in producing portable code take a read
through "The Standard C Library"
Which includes details on how to write a standard "C" libarary and the
portablitity issues encountered in each routine. I see used copies are
available for a modest sum, and I personally think it's a great read...