i suppose it had to happen sometime...
THis is a real pity. The Lilith is a machine I find very interesting, and
it's a pity if one fails.
The cartride harddisk drive in my Lilith has died, it
is unable to
find tracks anymore.
Is this a custom drive for this machine, or a more standard one. Very few
manufacturers (espeicailly at that time) made their own hard disks.
Headmovement is of course controlled by the only ASIC,
thus pure
unobtainium, that is inside the machine.
How much documentation do you have on the operation of the drive? Is is
possible to make a replacement for this ASIC (is it digital only, or does
it, as I susepct, contain the analogue servo circuitry).
I assume you've checked the obvious -- power rails and such. I would also
guess the power amplifier to drive the positioner is not in the ASIC.
That is much more likely to fail than a low-poerr-ish ASIC. I asusme
you've checked that too.