On Sun, 5 Dec 2004 14:09:23 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, John Allain wrote:
Lighter fluid is often a good solvent for removing adhesive residue...
By far the best stuff I've ever used is
Goo-Gone may have a limited shelf life since the two times I've
tried it, off of two completely independent parties shelves, I found
it vastly inferior to lighter fluid. From those two experiences I won't
buy it. Im interested on a head-to-head comparison from a person
on this list who has used both.
John A.
Cheaper (and somewhat less volatile) than lighter fluid is charcoal
starting fluid...
Peter Wallace
Unless I'm mistaken, Lighter Fluid is just plain Naptha, which is far,
far cheaper in a pint/quart can in the Paint thinner section of the
hardware store than it is in the little squeeze bottle cans by the
cigarette/pipe lighters in the Tobacco Shop.