At 08:25 PM 12/20/05 +0000, you wrote:
> Scott Stevens wrote:
> > Does others here also value some of their equipment for the asset
> > tags on it? I have gear from places like the Jet Propulsion
> > Laboratory for instance.
> Yep - I tend to try and leave those on if they're something interesting,
> if I'm cleaning the rest of the machine up as
much as possible. Partly
to aid
I can think of one good reason to remove them, and that is if you suspect
that the assets records at the company are not all that they should be. I
am asusming, of course, that you did obtain the machine legally, but if
you were later found to have a machine with a 'foo company' asset label,
and if there were no records that you'd actually bought it from them,
you could have a lot of explaining to do.
Oh, oh! I'm in trouble! MOST of my stuff has company stickers on it! Last
week I was using a HP 9816 and I looked at it and the keyboard had a NASA
property sticker, the disk drive had a Martin Marietta sticker and the CPU
had a Harris sticker! Most companies have a policy that the property
stickers are to be removed by the surplus department, but they leave it for
the buyers to do and they leave it to theirs buyers, etc etc so most of the
stuff hits the streets with the property stickers intact.
my own memory too, because I can never remember
where I got half my stuff
from! :-)
Why does it matter who previously used a machine? It's the same machine,
isn't it? To me computers are interesting becuase of how they work, what
they do, etc, not who used them.
Well it can be interesting to know the history of your machines but I
agree that it's USUALLY secondary to their condition. OTOH a friend of mine
has a couple of FLOWN computers from the Apollo spacecraft. In cases like
that history is everything.