On 9 April 2013 19:46, Jason McBrien <jbmcb1 at gmail.com> wrote:
Remove the ZX81, whose keyboard disqualifies it from
any list of best
Substitute in the Thinking Machines TM-1.
I had to Google that to recall what it looked like, but you make a
good point, sir!
I think the Spectrum and the ZX81 were combined, which means you'd
have to drop something else. I'd nominate the PS3. The PS2 was more
iconic, if anything, and in terms of actual construction, sod the PS2,
give me a PS/2 any day. Model 80 from choice, probably. :?)
The ZX81 and to a greater extend the Spectrum and the QL were design
classics, though, with an iconic look. Yes, the ZX81 was rubbish - but
it looked a lot better than the ZX80. It was the 81 that introduced
the trademark Sinclair Black Slab look. What the marketdroids would
call a "design language" these days. I am with Bill Hicks on the best
uses of marketdroids.
A friend of mine has a Raspberry Pi and a Sinclair QL case that he got
off eBay, already empty. He plans to design enough interface circuitry
to fit the Pi inside the QL and have the original keyboard work. I
have suggested using the rest of the space for a PSU, powered USB2
hub, possibly an internal speaker(or pair thereof) and see if he can
conceal a card-reader behind the Microdrive slots.
If he does it, I will covet the result.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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