Today I came across a 1982 dated 24-page booklet titled "The Radio Shack
Computer Demonstrator" developed by Fred C. Matt.
Section 1 was labelled "Storage Unit" and showed a series of instructions:
00 LODA,05
01 ADDA,06
02 STRA,07
and further headings described registers and a comparing unit. I thought at
first "Was this some sort of SBC with a monitor/assembler?"
But reading on, it became obvious that this device was made out of
_cardboard_ with sliding tabs for a line counter, and registers which were
written to with a pencil!
Has anybody managed to find/keep one of these things? Sounds a neat little
souvenir from the period. And if anyone followed through the steps, they
would indeed have had a good introduction to programming a microprocessor in
assembly language. Would be great for kids even today - except I can't see
many having the patience or interest unfortunately.
Brisbane, Australia