I seem to rember that people on this list ( Tony
?) have extended a
512K memory expansion for the HP integral.
HP made an external memory expansion box for the Integral.
I've not heard of that one, can you decribe it, please.
What I have heard of is a generic expansion box for the Integral. It
seems to bave been a typical HP 'shoebox' form factor, and linked to the
Integral via a 64 way cable and a card that went into one of the Integral
expansion slots. The expaonsion box had 5 slots for Integral cards (so
you gained 4 slots by using it), you could connect one to each of the
Integral's internal expansion slots, but you couldn't hang one expansion
box off another.
I think I read somewhere that du to possible delays in the buffer
circuitry in the epansion boc, the DTACK/ signal from add-on cards there
was delayed a bit. Putting memory cards in the expansion box would work,
but would slow the machine down a bit, if at all possible put them in the
main machine.
I have one, and I've seen two or three others.
it takes a special cable to connect the Integral to the expansion box,
and (IIRC) I don't have one.
My Integral came with the card to link to an expansion box, but alas no
expanison box iteslf. The connector on the card is a 64 pin Microribbon
sicket, like a large Centronics connector, and I can find nowhere that
sells the plugs (this connector was used on some other HP devices, but
I've never seen it anywhere eise).
Incidentally, I am _still_ looking for a serial card for my Integral.
Those things seem to be rarer than hen's teeth!