Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 20:20:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mr Ian Primus <ian_primus at>
Subject: Re: ST506 / ST412 - never see any 3 1/2"?
Any idea
why? I'd love to have a handful of 20mb 3
1/2" drives to use
for various things but I never see them.
I'm talking about drives from Rodime, Seagate,
Lapine, etc... cerca 1985.
Most were unreliable, Miniscribe comes to mind.
Hehe - Don't forget the wonderful Kalok Octa-gone...
Ah, yes, Kalok; a name that evokes many memories, none pleasant...
(although in my experience the Miniscribes weren't _too_ bad)
I have one of those kalok drives, along with an unidentified board --
how do I go about using it? I have some Pentium 3 machines I could put
it in, but I was wondering how exactly do I go about getting it to work.
The real problem with C++ for kernel modules is: the language just sucks.
-- Linus Torvalds