if you *really* want ask him that question, I'll pass his email to you.
after that you're on your own! :P
Steve Stutman wrote:
s shumaker wrote:
Several months back I posted a request to the list seeking assistance
in creating some examples of paper tape media for use by a law
enforcement officer wishing to use them in a class he teaches. The
course is about computer forensics but for perspective, he does a
segment on various types of media with examples. At the time, a
list member responded and offered to assist but apparently wasn't
able to help... not sure what happened but the officer contacted me
again to see if I could ask a second time.
Is there a list member with a functioning paper tape unit that would
be willing to run some examples for this gentleman?
At the time I suggested as classroom examples two each of the following:
short roll of blank tape
punched tape containing a relatively short program
hardcopy printout of the program listing (keeping it period
consistent, greenbar would be nice)
Any volunteers? - here's a chance to help out. He's located in GA
and willing to reimburse any costs involved.
Steve Shumaker
Will he take care of outstanding tickets?