On Sep 8, 2014, at 5:52 PM, Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com> wrote:
The TRS-80 Level II BASIC is pretty much the same as
several of the
I did find it interesting that the IBM ROM BASIC looks at the first 40 characters of
variable names, instead of 2 like almost every other Microsoft variant. Because of that I
started with that one this time so I could make easy to read variable names. I was
wondering if that might trip up anyone that did a port to a 2 letter version, but so far
they?ve all caught it and shortened the names and made sure they were unique.
OTOH, The Level I BASIC had some uniqueness, and lack
of capabilities.
Good luck. That BASIC was extremely limited. Only 26 numeric variables, one for each
letter? Only 2 strings? Only 1 numeric array? My program is using a lot of strings and
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