On Sat, 9 Mar 2002 jkunz(a)unixag-kl.fh-kl.de wrote:
Thanks for the pointers. I've got the Quasijarus0a distribution
downloaded; now I just need to make tapes and read a lot.
Heck, I may
end up having to populate the VS-II too (nice BA123 w/
3x RD53, TK50, totally bare QBus)
VS? You mean there is GPX graphics board set in
it? Nice. I have to
build a new bulkhead for the GPX in my MV III...
No, I mean the front bezel says "VAXstation II" There's no GPX, or
storage controllers, or communication controllers, or memory, or CPU.
That's what I meant by "totally bare QBus". The cab kits, drives, and
bulkheads are there for the GPX, an RQDX3, a DEQNA, a TQK50, and
the KA630; but there are no boards at all. It looks like someone
stripped it for the refiners.