On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Jason T <silent700 at gmail.com> wrote:
I have a lovely HP 9825B desktop
"calc-puter," the "T" version which
includes a number of ROMs that would have come on a cartridge in the
earlier models. There are a number of ROM carts and interfaces on
ebay for the 9825s, among them the "98217A Flexible Disk Drive" module
and the 98034A HPIB interface.
My question is: is the latter interface, along with the General and
Extended I/O ROMs already built into the 9825B, sufficient to talk to
HPIB floppy drives? Or do I need the 98217A, or some other ROM, to
add the disk routines to HPL?
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on these systems. I don't have one and
have never used one. All I know is what I've read in manuals. From
what I can tell you you would want a 98228A ROM instead of a 98217A
ROM to connect to a 9895A HP-IB disc drive (or an HPDrive emulated
9825DiscProgramming-09825-90220-98pages-Aug80.pdf 1.471 MB
HP9895 Disc Memories
The 98228A Disc ROM in a 9825T Computer is required to control 9895 drives.
Addressing Disc Drives
The 9895 drive is supplied from the factory set to respond to device
address 00. The 98034A HP-IB interface is supplied set to select code
7. Since the 98228A Disc ROM default address is 707, however, be sure
to change the 9895 device address to 07 before executing other disc