Just last year, I had to show a young Engineer in my
office how to use
my 1983-vintage Radio Shack scientific calculator! :P
Some years ago I was sitting i nthe lab when somebody came in and asked
to borrow a calculator. Without thinking I handed him my HP48. His reply
? 'At last, I ve found soembody with a calcualtor I can use. I've been
gooing all over the buidlign looking for one'.
You see, a lot of people, includign myself, are not clever enough to use
a calcualtor with an '=' key...
He's young enough to either have mostly used smart phone apps for such
things rather than *real* calculators, or he'd forgotten how to use a
scientific calculator because of his app use/dependence.
Don't the apps work the same way as physical calcuators? The ones I've
seen seem to.