Thank you for the insult. I'm someone who believes that life is sacred, and
I take it from your tone that you see life as a commodity to be wasted. One
day, I will stand before the Lord, and when He asks for an accounting of my
life, I can at least give Him an honest accounting in that regard. "Vengence
is mine" and all that. Extend yourself.
How does "clueless, irrational nitwit who has never once found their life
danger from violence" strike you? When
you've had your life placed in
have access to a firearm and choose not to use -- or threaten to use -- it
you're welcome to describe this as "inane". Until then you're working
in a vacuum. I was raised in the city and never thought once about owning
a firearm. It wasn't until I moved to rural California as was advised by
the sheriff's department of off-hours response times that I took an
interest --
and I'm glad I did.