A few weeks ago, I mentioned I'd archived the 8051 stuff
from the SIMTEL archive. As it turns out, the QIC-80
they're on must have stretched, and I only wrote one set
of that stuff.
I thought I had it on the hard drive, but all that was
left was:
ML-ASM51 Metalink 8051 Macro Assembler
BASIC-52 BASIC-52 source
BASIC31 (BASIC52 adapted for 8031)
DIS8051F 8051 disassembler
DISASM51 another one
8051-FAQ.TXT what it says
00FILES yada
00README yada
8051STUF.LOG FTP directory of what was there
CLOCK.ASM clock program
I may have floppies with the stuff, so I'll keep looking...
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (DougQ at
ixnayamspayIgLou.com) [Call me "Doug"]
Surgically excise the pig-latin from my e-mail address in order to reply
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away." -Tom Waits