PSU is indeed the same, HP-IB board is the same
(U15) 02670-80078, Processor (U2)8039, (U13)
Empty socket.
DO you mean U13 is empty? What about U14? Is there a 2K*8 RAM (2016,
6116) on this board at all?
Yes U13 is empty, U14 are empty holes.
No RAM at all on the board, the dipswitch 2K is open too.
So I suppose I can place a 6116 in the U13 socket, and switch the 2K
dipswitch to closed, to have the advantage of a smal hp-ib buffer.
Should speed up data transfer a little..
The DIP switch you mention has nothing to do with the RAM. According to
the seckematic it swtiches one of the address lines to the external ROM
(U15), and I think you should leave it in the position it's set to.
I have no idea if the HPIB interfac firmware will automatically recognise
the external RAM. My printer has a single 2016 chip (strangely marked
with an 02670-xxxxx number _and the 2016 number) in position U13. U14 is
Right. Sounds
like I'd better have a go at buildign a device
to read out 8049s...
Would be nice..