On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Mike Ford wrote:
This one's
for the Apple gurus on the list: Is it at all possible,
hardware, software, or 'other,' to read 5.25" floppies written on an Apple
IIe on a PC?
This from our Teledisc contact person? (not like "I" know of course)
Did anyone ever find out if the Central Point Deluxe Option board works
with Teledisc software? (you know that software thing many of us grouped to
buy a share of the 25 user licenses).
I don't know that it would buy you much it TeleDisk can access the disk
via the DOB, as the accompanying soft ware to the SOB will make an image
file of the disk, which is what TeleDisk does. Neither will 'read' it.
- don