I am working with one of the N8VEM builders to make an interface to allow a
generic Z80 CPU computer (DIP 40 socket) to interface to the N8VEM PropIO
board. The benefit of this would be that any Z80 computer with a DIP 40
socket could add VGA, PS/2 keyboard, and microSD capability. I think this
would be helpful for debugging and also transferring data from legacy
Since the board plugs directly into the Z80 CPU socket it is independent of
any particular bus. Any new installation would require custom software for
the platform. It appears the KayPro can access the PropIO using MBASIC so
writing software should be practical.
In theory, this approach may be applicable to any of the N8VEM ECB
peripheral boards (Disk IO, VDU, prototyping board, etc). The concept may
be applicable to other CPUs with the appropriate shim socket PCBs. I
believe this could be particularly helpful for classic computers that lack
an active development community.
If anyone is interested in doing some experimentation with your vintage Z80
computer please contact me. Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch