Chuck Guzis wrote:
I own a
CorelSCSI 8-bit board but without software I can't use it (based
on the
videotape that came with it, it appears to have been designed for hooking
up CDROMs and tape drives anyway)
SCSI is pretty much SCSI if you've got ASPI support. I found a Corel
LS-2000 driver on Driverguide that comes with ASPI drivers for DOS and
Win95; I checked and it also has drivers for the aforementioned Trantor
T130 also.
Thanks, I'll check this out. But once I have the ASPI layer set up, what's
next? Will it just "show up" if I run FDISK or are additional steps necessary?
(Sorry for these admittedly newbie questions but I've never worked with SCSI in
DOS before, only MFM/RLL/ESDI/IDE).
Driverguide--and ask--if the people on this list are
like me, I never throw
a driver away.
I'm the same way.
Jim Leonard (trixter at
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