The answer to the question in your "Subject" line is simple:
Because you do such good work.
On 6/29/06, Evan Koblentz <evan at> wrote:
Someone alerted me to this site tonight where they
copied about 1,000 words
straight from my web page.
In the "license research report" section, everything up to the Newton
paragraph is plagiarized from my site.
There is a link at the bottom of the page but there's no explanation to
visitors about which facts came from which sites. It's one thing to quote a
sentence or to set off a block paragraph, but blatantly copying 1,000 words
pisses me off so much. They took some pictures as well which aren't mine,
but which I had explicit permission from their owners to use.
Also at the bottom, it says "researched by..." -- they call a simple Google
search and cut-and-paste session "research" these days? That's pathetic.
I will try contacting the site owners with my complaint. Hopefully it wil
get rectified like last time.
Jim Isbell
"If you are not living on the edge, well then,
you are just taking up too much space."