From: Ian King
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 8:54 AM
Rodent nests (and sometimes carcasses) are removed,
areas of decay are
cleaned carefully so they do not progress further, and then the item is
catalogued and, most likely, stored.
Generally, we do try to catalog the item before any restoration takes
place. (Noted for the professionals among the readership. :-)
The item is stored until one of the very few members
of the restoration
team can attend to it. In our case, there are three of us who not only
restore pieces but also deal with intake and ongoing aspects of display
and operation. We also give tours and lectures. We engage in public
dialogue, such as this forum. Occasionally we sleep.
Just what is it you think we should be doing
differently? -- Ian
What he said.
And as it happens, we are willing to show interested visitors our stored
items as well as our displays. (Stated for the iceberg crowd.)
Rich Alderson
Vintage Computing Sr. Server Engineer
Vulcan, Inc.
505 5th Avenue S, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
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mailto:RichA at