Thanks for the replies.
I have a VT520 that I use as much as possible! However, sitting in front
of the TV of an evening I was looking for an emulator capable of
accessing some of the forms related software on my DEC Alpha 3000/600
such as DECforms and All-in-1. Both use double wide/high fonts which
don't work well with most terminal emulators. I did have a serial
connection to the attic at one time and used a VT terminal for a while,
but having a VT terminal in the lounge is maybe taking the 'hobby' a
little too far in my wife's eyes!
Anyway, I have answered my own question: IVT. Available free at I was amazed at (a) how well it
worked and (b) what a quality piece of software it is. I recommend it.
Regards, Mark.