I just picked up an HP 97 at a church rummage sale. It was sold "tel
quel" ("as is"), so it was a bit of a gamble, but I figured if it was
broken it'd be even more fun 'cause then I would feel no compunction
about opening it up and Investigating.
The battery pack appears dead (based on a 1kohm/volt voltmeter, it's
producing about .1V) and it didn't come with a wall wart. But the
battery pack was visibly made up of four cells, so I figured four
rechargeable cells is probably about 5V - and the external power
connector is marked 5V. So I hooked it up to 5V from a peecee power
supply (peecees are good for _something_; they provide me with power
supplies :), and it seems to be in full working order. Even the
printer works (though the ribbon appears a little enfeebled).
All I need to do is find a manual for the thing. Anyone know of one?
Google found me a few places _selling_ scanned copies of the manual,
but none civilized enough to have it up for fetching.
The thing cost me all of five bucks. :) Maybe not quite on a par with
an ASR33, but it's also a lot easier for me to find space for. As yet
I may be but a dilettante when it comes to old computing gadgets, but
*I* think it has a healthy dose of gamish!
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