Rumor has it that Chris M may have mentioned these words:
--- Roger Merchberger <zmerch-cctalk at>
Moooooooo. Moooooooooo.
Sorry; never raised cows. Raised chickens (incubated from eggs), ducks,
rabbits, pheasants, couple pigs, and a dog (but we didn't eat him), but
never a cow.
I've lost 30 pounds over the last 2 years also, so I'm currently within
military weight standards, so I doubt you're referencing my girth.
Otherwise, "What Chuck Said." The trick he mentioned in his post also works
well to disable the autostart pin on the TRS-80 Color Computer cartridges.
[[ If you're wondering about my terse & enigmatic previous message, google
for "xenocopy." Or click this: ]]
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | "Profile, don't speculate."
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers | Daniel J. Bernstein
zmerch at |