On Nov 17, 2016, at 5:04 PM, Brent Hilpert <hilpert
at cs.ubc.ca> wrote:
On 2016-Nov-17, at 1:08 PM, Josh Dersch wrote:
I have an LP, "Electronic Music from the
University of Illinois" (1967 or
If I recall, they used the U of I's ILLIAC IV in the recording.
Somethings' amiss there, 1967 is way too early for ILLIAC IV.
ILLIAC IV wasn't actually located at U of I.
According to refs it was installed at NASA Ames (Calif) in 1971-2.
Maybe an earlier ILLIAC? I vaguely remember hearing that ILLIAC I had been used to make
ILLIAC IV was designed at U of I and was originally intended to be located there; they
even built a high-security building for it (CAC). But in the end DoD didn't like all
those unruly students so they installed at at Ames instead. The building ended up being
used for an ARPAnet node instead.