At 01:53 AM 8/27/02 +0100, you wrote:
I'm currently trying to make an old HP 9000/310 machine work.
Some information about the machine and the status of the
"project" can be found out at:
What I currently need is either a way to crack into the
HP-UX that is already installed on the box,
Did you try "Root"? I got lucky with a couple of the drives that I picked up
and found that they didn't have a password setup for the root directory. From what I
hear, HPs are just about impossible to break into if they have a password installed.
FWIW I picked a HP 7958B hard drive from a scrap place yesterday. According to the
stickers on it it came from NASA KSC and was used on a unix system (in other words HP-UX).
But I checked the drive today and it has a fault. It spins up but then spins down and the
fault light comes on. Oh well, better luck next time. Also found a HP 9888 expansion
chassis. I haven't checked it yet but it looks like it's in decent condition.