> Although
using Zenith MS-DOS 3.31 on a Compaq shouldn't cause any
> problems, a few things, such as
MODE.COM were different.
> Therefore, for the Compaq, try to get COMPAQ 3.31
On Wed, 5 Jun 2013, Sridhar
Ayengar wrote:
What about something like PC-DOS 4?
That won't have the COMPAQ specific
MODE.COM options, if you feel a need
for them. (Internal V External video, maybe some video modes, but not
much else)
Note: PC-DOS 4.01 incorrectly identifies itsef as 4.00
I would be more inclined to go with MS-DOS 5.00 than PC-DOS 4.00
I'll second this. v4 was a horror show.
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