On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, R. D. Davis wrote:
What are [music] videos anyway? Essentially,
"commercials" for
records and songs...
Commercials? How does that encourage someone to purchase something?
One can just turn om the VCR, tape one's favorite videos and then
either make a tape or CD from the audio output.
(1) Many (most?) people in the target audience either don't have the
equipment or the intelligence to make the CDs.
(2) The traditional thing to do, and therefore, the thing that all the
sheep-people will be driven to do by their peers, is buy the CD. If this
ever changes, you can rest assured that the record industry suits will do
whatever is necessary to restore proper behavior in their subjects.
(3) The audio quality of the custom CDs will be much inferior to the
store-bought CDs.
Jeffrey S. Sharp