"Jules" == Jules Richardson
<julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
>> > Under Linux, I don't think there's any way I can pull metadata
>> off the > camera along with images - so if I take lots of shots
>> under a trial and > error approach, I have to note down what
>> settings I was using for which > shot which is getting to be a
>> pain in the butt!
Have you looked at 'exiftool'?
exiftool - print meta information from image files
exiftool [OPTIONS] [-TAG or --TAG ...] FILE ...
Prints information for specified tags from listed files. -TAG specifies the
name of a tag to extract, or --TAG to ignore. FILE may be an image file
name, a directory name, or - for the standard input. Currently recognized
file types are JPG, TIFF, GIF, THM, CRW, CR2, NEF and DNG.
I have it on my RedHat laptop; it was able to return wads of info from
pictures taken with my Olympus D10, including shutter speed and
aperture, which is what I expect you are after.