On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Swift Griggs <swiftgriggs at gmail.com>
Since I'm an igmo about most machines before the mid-eighties (and still
fuzzy even on most of those), I'm curious about all these older machines
with front panel buttons and switches. What all did they do? You could
actually program them using the front panel right? Some of them
bootstrapped this way, too? What kind of "language" was used for that
(ie.. what were the basic mechanics)? Did the buttons ever change color?
Were you considered a badass if you had switch flipping all memorized down
to an art? Were they mainly multi-position toggle switches or on/off
They just seem to be a lot more important on older mainframes and minis.
Also, what was the main reason for the blinkenlights? Was it to show
system load or specific system states?
Just curious. I'm learning a ton from reading these threads on older
machines, but there is so much I don't know.
Here's a power point pres I did at VCF-E4, this will get you started.
Using Altair 680b front panel in basic terms is covered a few slides in.
@ BillDeg:
Twitter: @billdeg <https://twitter.com/billdeg>
Youtube: @billdeg <https://www.youtube.com/user/billdeg>
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