On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:13:04 -0600, Jim Battle wrote:
Al Kossow wrote:
DO you still have the TurboDOS manuals?
They were scanned, and are on
Since it might not be obvious:
I happened to be looking for more turbodos information yesterday and
found this, a configuration guide for turbodos 1.2 for some philips
I recently bought an incredibly nice IMS system running turbos (1.3) off
of ebay, including one remote head. It went for $31, but shipping was
I've spent some time doing floppy disk
recovery with IMD and catweasel
tools, but I haven't messed with hard drives.
Any recommendations on
the best to dump the disk image?
Hi Jim..
you should take a look around.-)
Look here.
The hardware are for IMS8000 and 5000 nearly the same. I remember that
there were different floppydiskcontrollers. The manuals should be
Sad - the olddcomputers... had a problem the last 4 day but running
well now. I missed to pay the bill for the phone ..-) No comments
about that please.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Fritz Chwolka